Status Popup

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Status Popup Window

BatteryBar status popup window

The status popup window displays real-time information about the status of your battery.

(For definitions of the terms used here, see Glossary)


This field shows the percentage of battery power currently available. This value is calculated as Current Capacity / Full Capacity.

In BatteryBar Pro, it's possible to change the precision of the percentage value from 0 to 4 digits in the Preferences window.


This field shows the battery's Current Capacity and Full Capacity in the format:
[Current] mWh of [Full] mWh.

Charge / Discharge Rate

This field shows the rate in mW at which the battery's capacity is changing.

When the battery is in a discharge state, the rate is negative because the battery is losing capacity. When the battery is a charging state, the rate is positive.

This value can be used to determine the power savings you get from reducing your screen brightness or turning of your wireless connection. It does not affect how BatteryBar calculates the time remaining on your battery.

Note: Not all batteries report this value. Some batteries will report only the discharge rate and not the charge rate and some batteries won't report either value.


This field shows the current power state of your battery.

If the power state is Discharging, the field shows the time remaining to discharge:
H:MM (Discharging)

If the power state is Charging, the field shows the time to finish charging:
H:MM (Charging)

If the power state is Charged, the field only shows the term Charged. Your battery may report that it's Charged even though the current capacity is less than 100%. The charging of the battery is controlled by the laptop's BIOS. Most BIOS only charge the battery if the current capacity is below a certain threshold, usually between 90 and 95 %.

Full Lifetime


Battery Wear