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This page contains a list of terms used by BatteryBar and their definitions.


Refers to an external power source other than the internal battery

Battery Wear

The percentage of the battery's designed capacity that your battery has lost. The higher the wear value, the less charge it is able to hold.


  • Current Capacity: The amount of power that is currently stored in the battery. This value is in milliwatt-hours.
  • Full Capacity: The amount of power that the battery is capable of storing when fully charged. This value can change as the battery loses the ability to hold a charge. It is reported in milliwatt-hours.
  • Designed Capacity: The capacity that the battery was originally designed to hold. This value is set at the factory and never changes.

Charge Rate

The rate at which power is being stored by the battery. This value is in milliwatts.

Discharge Rate

The rate at which power is being drained from the battery. This value is in milliwatts.

Full Lifetime

The average time that your battery will last when disconnected from A/C at 100% capacity.

Milliwatt (mW)

A watt is a rate of energy consumption equal to 1 joule of energy per second, similar to "miles per hour" when driving. Discharge Rate is measured in mW because it measures the speed at which the battery's capacity is being consumed.

Milliwatt-hour (mWh)

A watt-hour is an amount of energy consumed. 1 watt-hour is equal to 3600 joules, similar to the "miles" driven. Battery capacity is measured in mWh because it measures the total amount of energy that the battery is capable of holding and discharging.

Power State

A battery has three power states: Discharging, Charging, Charged (or Online).